Monthly Archives: April 2016

Improving Air Quality: How To Avoid Allergies

Little is more gorgeous than a Maryland spring. Our zone supports lovely foliage and plant life, beautiful sunlight streams in regularly, and all of our favorite nature companions come out to play. Unfortunately, not all of spring can be roses and buttercups. You know the thorn we’re talking about, right?

The itchy, sneezy nuisance called allergies also makes an appearance in our favorite season, as well. Fortunately for you, Home Services Enterprises knows a thing or two about keeping the worst of mother nature at bay!

Reducing Allergens In Your Home: A Brief Manual

The air quality of your home is dependent of a number of factors; most of which can easily be controlled by taking the right steps:

  • Adequate humidity levels.When you hear the word humidity, it conjures up an unpleasant, sticky and hot feeling, right? Well, that’s not entirely the case, actually. Humidity in the home (specifically, relative humidity) plays a vital role in keeping both you and your home healthy. Experts state that you want to keep your home at between 30 and 50 percent relative humidity to reduce allergies, improve air quality, and preserve furniture. To do this, look into adding a whole home humidifier. You might look into a dehumidifier for balance, but usually air conditioners and furnaces serve this function just fine.
  • Order in for a duct cleaning.The ductwork in your home is a hotbed for nasty dust, debris, pollen and pet dander. Have it professionally cleaned annually or biannually, and you’ll soon be breathing much, much easier.
  • Dust and vacuum regularly.Particularly in the spring (and fall) months, be sure to go about these chores weekly to reduce buildup and keep your symptoms at a minimum.
  • Avoid harmful chemicals.Many commercial cleaners do just fine at killing bacteria, but they can be killer on your sinuses as well. Pursue the use of organic cleaners or other alternatives to keep this particular culprit to a minimum.
  • Order a carpet cleaning.Much like your ducts, carpets and rugs are a breeding ground for all of our worst allergens. Dander, dust and even mites can practically add a second layer to your fabrics. Have them professionally cleaned!

Superior Cleaning Services In Maryland With Home Services Enterprise

Need some assistance getting your home ready for the spring months? Our Rockville experts can bring you the professional touch your home craves!