Monthly Archives: June 2018

Tips for Combating Spring Allergies

Tips for Combating Spring Allergies

Home and office cleaning

Springtime is the season of renewal… with flowers blooming and spring rains here to help things grow. Of course, that also means that the trees, flowers, weeds, and grass that are blossoming spread pollen throughout the air – which makes springtime the height of allergy season for many people who suffer from seasonal allergies. Often times, along with the rains making everything green outside, we are also renewing our homes inside with spring cleaning. This has the potential to bring out dust mites, and may cause some allergies to worsen.

With all of these factors in mind, here are some tips to help reduce allergens in your home:

Clean Air in Your Home
Keeping your indoor air clean is important so that you don’t allow more pollen to seep in through doors and windows. Keeping windows and doors closed as much as possible will help reduce the pollen inside, and the air you are breathing will be cleaner air. Be sure to change filters in air conditioning units and vents frequently.

Cleaning Rugs and Carpets
Area rugs can be washed once a week, and this will help remove any pollen brought in from outside. For the wall to wall carpeting, professional steam cleaning is best to have done mid-season. This will help to remove pollen tracked in from outside. It’s also a good idea to wash bedding once a week in hot water to remove any allergens.

Clean Surfaces in Your Home 
Hiring a professional cleaning service to come in and clean, dust, and vacuum all the surfaces in your home will not only create an inviting space, it will also greatly reduce allergens. This will help keep all your surfaces that you touch on a daily basis free from dust, allergens, and pollen build-up.

Remember to follow these simple tips during spring and summer seasons to help reduce your pollen levels and any other type of allergens that are present during these months. You will be breathing a little easier! To schedule a cleaning with us, please visit our website: