5 Fun Ways to Clean House After the Holidays

Little girl wiping  dust off a kid chair

Now that the excitement of the holidays had settled, you may look around your home and find a bit of a disaster area. Whether you had holiday gatherings and house guests or traveled to see loved ones, the change in routine that the holidays bring can make it hard to keep things clean and organized.

Here are a few fun ways to get things back in order:

  • Have a party. Organize cleaning parties with a small group of friends where you all agree to help clean each other’s houses. Choose whose house will be first, and make the cleaning process fun by having races, singing along to loud music, and enjoying the support of community.
  • Take a vacation. If cleaning parties sound like the furthest thing from fun to you, hire a cleaning company (like us!) to come in while you’re on vacation and take care of everything for you, from laundry and dishes to organizing closets and paying your bills.
  • Barter the broom. Another creative way to get your house clean is to barter with a friend or neighbor. Find something you love to share with others (cooking, for example) and barter for cleaning services – trade a few homemade casseroles for a clean house.
  • Take it slow. If you’d rather clean things yourself but don’t have much time, remember that you don’t have to do it all at once. Try doing one room a day. Or start with dusting, and do the bathrooms another day and floors another. Taking small but consistent steps can get your house clean and keep you stress-free.
  • Get the kids involved. Make it a family event where everyone pitches in. And to celebrate the teamwork, take each other out to the movies or dinner when you’re done. The best part is that you’ll come home to a nice, clean house!

No matter how you choose to clean house, the results are always worth it. We encourage you to have fun with the process, and to call us if there is anything we can do to help. We wish you a Happy, Clean, and Healthy New Year!

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