New Year’s Resolutions for your home – A Fresh Start

Home House office cleaning

This is the time of year when most of us typically make some New Year’s resolutions in our lives; whether to lose weight, save money, or spend more time with family and friends. But what goals do you set for your home? January is the best month to set some goals around your house because you are usually taking down holiday decorations and already cleaning and sorting through your items. Setting new goals for your home will make it more efficient, clean, and green for the coming year.


  1. Streamline and organize your things:
    One of the best ways to start feeling better about your home is to clear out some of the clutter! Each year, most of us accumulate many things that we don’t ever use. But without regular purging, all that stuff can become jam-packed in drawers and cabinets. Resolve to go through each room and throw out or donate any items you are not using. Clear off your kitchen counters and keep them spacious and clutter free. You will enjoy the cleaner look of your home and be able to find things more quickly and easily.
  2. Go green in your home:
    The best way to start going green in your home is by cutting energy usage. There are a few things we take for granted around the house as far as lighting and energy usage is concerned. Making an effort to turn off the lights and TVs when you leave a room or turn down the heat or air conditioning when you leave the house will cut down on your energy usage and will make a difference in cutting your energy bills so you can save money at the same time.
  3. Daily systems for cleaning your home:
    Cleaning up around the house at the end of the each day or in the morning when you wake up will help keep your home organized and tidy. Keeping up with the dishes in the dishwasher and dirty clothes in the hampers every day can eliminate the clutter and mess around your home. Try enlisting family members to help with dusting and vacuuming each week so that dust does not pile up, making it even harder to clean later on. Using green cleaning products while washing floors, counters and bathrooms will keep the air in your home fresher and cleaner and may be more cost efficient if using natural products that you store in your home such as vinegar and baking soda.

And if your schedule is too busy to allow daily or weekly cleanings, Home Services Enterprise can help with regular cleaning and organizing of your home. You can begin your new year with a happier and cleaner home for you and your family!


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