Home and Office Cleaning

Prepare for a Happy Homecoming After Vacation

It’s finally happened! The world is opening back up, and Americans are on the move again, especially now that school’s out for summer. Families all over the country have their bags packed, their cars loaded, and the GPS set to destinations near and far. But the last thing you want is to come home from such a long-awaited and well-deserved vacation to the same messy house you left—made even messier by all those months and months of lockdown at home, when, like, no one could go, like, anywhere.

What’s the number one thing you can do to ensure a happy homecoming? Plan ahead to have a neat and orderly house to welcome you home just like you’ve planned your upcoming vacation.

Here are some options so that the relaxation on your couch can continue even after relaxing on the beach is over:

  • Leave the house tidy on your way out. Instead of rushing around the morning before your flight throwing clothes into tote bags, leaving dirty cereal bowls in the sink, and letting the garbage pile up, finish packing the day before, bathe the kids the night before, and while you send them off to make their beds, put the cap back on the toothpaste, tidy up the bathrooms, and bring the trash out. (Don’t forget to throw out anything in the fridge that’ll go bad while you’re away.)
  • Go next level by emptying the dishwasher and folding the clothes that have been sitting in the dryer since Tuesday so the appliances will be open and ready for more upon your return.
  • A few days before departure, put a stop on your mail and/or any home deliveries, water the plants so they don’t dry out while you’re away, and go through the mail to make sure you pay your bills on time.
  • On the way out the door, don’t forget to turn down the thermostat to save some money (even better if you can program it to start back up a few hours before you’re due back home). And if you can set some lights on a timer to go on in the evening, you’ll gain even more peace of mind.
  • Make preparations for your pet(s) well ahead of time, whether that means asking a neighbor, making a boarding reservation, or hiring a pet-sitter. Have Fluffy’s food supply and toys ready to go, and make sure you also hand off your vet’s contact information in case of emergency.
  • Consider a house-sitter. Not only can this trusted individual take care of some (or all!) of the above to make your trip completely stress-free as they do the laundry and the dishes and the garbage-dumping and the dog-walking, but best of all: they can let in the housekeepers you book to clean your home top to bottom while you’re away. There’s no better time to get your home spic-and-span than when no one’s in it and the cleaners can freely access all areas and take all the time they need.

Home Service Enterprises is happy to come in and spiffy up any home or building in the Rockville, MD, area while residents are away so that everything will be fresh and clean when you return. All you have to do is kick back, smile, and have a great time!

Home Services Enterprise  |  301-674-9564  |  www.homeservicesenterprise.com

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