How to De-Clutter your Life – Where to Begin

House Home CleaningGlorious spring with the March winds breezing in to refresh and renew us. Refreshing our lives can be as simple as spring cleaning our homes and throwing out some unwanted things that add clutter to our environment. Why is de-cluttering your life so important? When we are bogged down with too many “things”, we may start to feel like we are losing control of our environment.  A good de-cluttering will make you feel accomplished because it will open up your living space. This in turn makes you feel as if your environment is clean and free of junk. The easiest way to get rid of clutter is to just give it away!  For most people starting in either the bedroom or kitchen is a good starting point, and after you have accomplished that, you can move to different areas in your home:

  • Bedroom – Changing seasons, changing clothes. Go through your closets, try on any clothes you haven’t worn lately and give it away. This includes clothing, handbags, shoes and accessories. With a clearer space you can now clean and organize your closets.
  • Kitchen – Start with your refrigerator, clear and throw out any old or dated food items. Wash shelving and drawers with warm soapy water to clean.
  • Pantry – Clear out the pantry and go through all food items for expiration dates and throw out. Any other food items that you will not use, donate to a soup kitchen or local shelter.
  • Basement – Basements can accumulate the most clutter simply because of the storage space. If you don’t know what to do with a particular item, usually it gets stored in the basement! Go through these items and hold an estate sale or give away anything you won’t be using and takes up space.
  • Garage – Garages can also be a place of accumulating “things”. Sort through these items and either throw them out or donate anything you will not be using in the near future.

Starting with a couple rooms will make a big difference and open up your living space. Your house will feel airier and the breezes of spring will sweep through and freshen up your home.

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